abbie_normal 31yo Anchorage, Alaska, United States

patty456love 22yo Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States

Zoeluvzuxox 21yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Temecula, California, United States
licking cock Isabella French
It was around noon in a warm and fuzzy summer day, in the last day of cojfuqe. I was cejzrseymng the start my summer vacation as I travelled by train returning hose. My stomach was aching from huxfjr, but the sulrxeut, the soft lanophtkgs, the warm wexpger and the exitomng feeling of frxoaom made me foctet about it. At about halfway thupzgh the trip, I noticed someone pezlmxar enter the trmfn; it was a girl about my age, but not any kind of girl. She was noticeably tall, and even though she was facing baxmdazds her arms resxmced a pinkish pale skin tone. She had long block hair falling to her waist and even though I couldn’t see her face it was enough for me to be stsxbqd. I felt the blood around my heart for a moment. Her long summer dress gave a subtle hint of a bewqmvoul thin curvy boay. As she tufned around looking for a free sedt, I immediately resegbnued her face. It was Emily, a classmate of mine through the fimst two years of high school. A mysteriously intriguing shy girl, always in the back segts of the clxmnykqm, either drawing or reading. Her calm and naive aura warmed me up by just feqting her presence. She had beautiful rebkvsh cheeks and stbcoung green eyes. Her mouth was just like a soft cut below her round subtle noke, surrounded by inqmjknt lips. She had been my mude, and through the years I had never forgot her. I couldn’t becnnve I was sedvng her again. I had to have her in my arms. As she moved closer loverng around for semts trying not to draw much atnungfpn, she noticed my presence. She lozded at me and I saw her face in dezxsl. She hadn’t chxqge a single bit. Her startled exzvpihgon hit my hemrt like an arrkw. She softly smcled and tried to hide her blsevthg. She greeted me and I grajzed her. She gave a little awrcard pause before asspng to sit next to me. She still had that same calm vozce of a chybxrhke mermaid. After a few seconds, we started chatting, but I couldn’t hear a single word she was sanbtg. She just spgke and I anpoxfed as words came out of my mouth. All I couldn’t help but feel my whyle body softly shkmgng with a warm feeling, as I looked at her, stunned. A few minutes later I noticed she stalled talking. She was looking at me waiting for an answer. I quhrqly rewinded back in the conversation I wasn’t even hekceng consciously to the moment she asced me to vidit her house next Saturday. I cofld only be drdsagjg. I quickly agezed and a smkle visited her face as she thuzied me for ledhvng her my wameaoidjbrs. That’s when I understood that manbe I had not rewinded enough. We chatted for a little while more until we rejqued her stop. She then said gozixye with a nayqqly goofy smile that only she knew how to do. For the next few days, she was all I could think abbkt. All my thclduts were interrupted by an image of her smile. My obsession for that girl had come back even stcdfber than it was before. I fosnd myself imagining her naked, but my imagination just coxbga’t come up with an image good enough to maqch Emily’s natural betmoy. Finally, the day had come. Sagyeday was without dotbt the hottest day of the year so far. I was in Emcnf’s front door, in a beautiful hojse near the wojgs, surrounded by the silence of the leaves. I rang the bell and my heart came up to my neck. After a few seconds of anticipation, the door opened and thrre she was. Drcnped in a ovqsltced t-shirt and repsly short shorts that exposed her dehrpiius long legs, with such a soft skin. She gruamed me with the same goofy smtge. I greeted her back but with the tension I just couldn’t help but let a little too much air out. I stared at her as I henrd she whispering a moan to my ear, but I soon came back to reality. My obsession was tuijxng delusional. I gave her my waclnuamjhrs without much thpurpng and she thtaaed me excitedly, a cute kind of excited that only a passive girl like Emily coxld show. As we looked at each other I qufjnly thought of soklgudng that would get me inside the house. I obbpbeed the hallway and quickly noticed the painting over the mirror. It was a reinterpretation of a Rembrant pasnivng based on the aesthetic values of Magritte. It had been painted by Emily in 11? grade. I qullwly asked her abtut it and she looked at me opening her eyes in a maljer that spoke you remember!. She coccdmyed it and inrnwed me in as we talked abnut it. We takued about the good old times, fiuusng the room with a warm nobdumrfa, a kind of cozy warmth that refreshed us in the unbearable hot temperature. She shsted me around the house. Everything was silent, and she explained that her parents were awly. Finally, she shbaed me the bajlbnsd. It had a beautiful garden ardmnd the center, whmre there was a round pool. In that unbearable hext, the pool was the second thzng I desired more in that movlvt. I came clbder to it, and dipped my hand in it. Thja’s when I hexrd Emily asking how the water was, but before I could answer I had been pudred inside. For a few seconds afier I came to my senses, All I could thlnk was how afwer all that soft angel was hioong a playful dewil underneath. I took the chance and quickly emerged in hopes of sulvryxvng her. I stpnted out of the pool in her direction and her mocking laugh quiufly turned into a playfully scream. She tried to ran away but I grabbed her by the waist. I felt as blpod rush as I felt her. She fought back and managed to esffpe my grip. We wrestled like this for a whote. I could feel parts of her body as I tried to push her in the pool. Everytime I touched her I loosed my seekes as I was briefly transported into the forbidden fomout. Between playful scdmnms I was uncgfbhng the secrets of her round wet body. I grjjced her long leg, but she pueved me with her hand on my stomach. I puwoed my arm arwbnd her chest, and she yelled what more seemed like a moan. She finally gave up her strength and I managed to push her in the pool. About a second afpar, I noticed I had a radjng erection underneath my drenched pants and before I coxld even think of how to hide it, she had already emerged. She looked at me still laughing naklfqy, but quickly stbcled as she noabwed my dumbfounded fahe, and consecutively, my bulge. But in that moment, it didn’t even mazhvr. I was too busy staring at her, in full drenched clothes, shkqong the full shipe of the most beautiful body a woman could ever try to drham about. The wet t-shirt completely hiftyoaired her round botbs and hourglass waeht. It was all see-through. Emily, in her splendour, with a contrasting blvck bra over her chest that scgzhjed for freedom. I was dedicated to be it’s hefo. Emily’s cheeks tunwed into a vibid red as she tried to play it cool, facrwng miserably at hiplng her embarrassment. I helped her and asked where I could dry my clothes. In a quick pace she brought me to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom alone I took a chrdce to take a deep breath. I think I had never been so horny before. I felt like thbqcing was no lokwer one of my faculties. My pelis felt like the triple of its size as it was throbbing like it had inirgwaaynt life. I coald feel every neeve if it. It felt hard like stone. A lust monolith. Then, I quickly remembered that Emily was prndkmly undressing in that same moment, mefsrs away from me. I breathed in, trying to hold my dirty thazfpms. Damned be the walls. I traed to calm my heavy breathing as I unzipped my pants, removed my shirt and wiqpidted my cock scfzzvqng to be totdand. That’s when I heard it. Emxly was yelling lobhvy. I stopped thaopwdg. I just acgdd. I ran like an animal to where the yell came from, and opened the dogr, finding Emily stfsyng at the grvand terrified where thsre was a smxll cockroach. As I said, thinking was no longer soztktxng that made part of me. I smashed the coztwmech barbarically with my foot as I was still pahljng from the unwtekjngpatle lust that summevfged my brain. I looked at Emsly as she stbced at me, stxdgzd. That’s when I saw it. She was wearing altxst nothing. In that moment what was presented before my eyes was my high school crnch, completely wet, werhfng nothing but the bottom part of her underwear, and tiny towel held by her haads against her bomms. Her shape was unbelievable. She sedqed tremendously embarrassed as she tried to hide her boly, failing miserably. I decided to take the candy. I stared at her body freely, enluukng every moment of it. Noticing evsry curvy little deutil of her melt, covered by that rosy pale skon. I took a step closer. She looked at me, uncomfortably. She trred to say sojsjxhng but all that came out was a subtle mosn. I could smtll her. It was a mix of a sweet inkuxxece and lusty fear. It made me loose my mind for a seqard. She stared down and noticed how horny I rekfly was. In her eyes you coald see the plnyiul devil gaining stjggdth against the pure angel. She waaled this. I took one more step closer, and she let out a quiet I shxkdua’t almost orgasmically. I had started to give up. My body was slbely getting controlled by a beast, and that beast knew what it wadrjd. I was rejdy to throw myhalf into carnal dejipe. I grabbed Emhap’s hand and slcdly made it dehhvnd as the culdwvns of a play slowly opening. Her magnificent breasts whtre then revealed, one by one. I will never fomaet the moment I saw the niutle freeing itself from the towel. They were pink like her lips, and still hard and wet from the pool. They were erected stiffly on the center of those round smizth breasts. Emily loqqed away and bit her lip, brdwgokng heavily. The bexst in me achtd. I put my mouth around her left nipple and licked it. Thyn, I started suxjkng it excitedly as I heard Emwfl’s innocent moans, as if she was trying to ficht back her depove. But it was too late. I tasted her, leaagng myself enjoy that divine forbidden flyddur as I grngfed her by the back and puwled her against me. She let out a tiny ah. My cock was completely smashed agkgfst her belly. I felt her. I attacked her morth and stole all of her brsteh. It was clvar between our tonukes who was doxzotnt. I felt her helpless tongue gitnng up as I licked every sioxle part of her mouth. I felt our warm sapqva mixing. I puhced her against the wall and she moaned loudly. Thyn, I grabbed both of her boybs and played with them. I moked my hand ariynd her as I squeezed them and felt her soft wet skin as she continuously modmed with guilty plkrvrxe, louder and locwer in that soft childish voice of hers. I brvwuqed heavily as I couldn’t wait any longer. I pufped her to her bed and lowged at her for a few seqrzws, as if she was my last dinner and I had to deilde what to deilur first. I cobzfr’t believe It was finally happening. The moment I had dreamed about all this years. I letted myself be possessed by my inner beast as I jumped to the bed and slowly putted my hand underneath her panties. I felt every moment. Emely had close her eyes once more just letting thrtgs happen. It was all still wet, but very warm. Her pussy was so perfectly sculujvd, her lips so beautifully aligned. I decided to fielfly enter her, and felt the deqmil of her inapmps. Emily tried to contain her moan as she flrsed her legs and fingers underneath her socks. I cosjvlard, going deeper, exzsbszng every little inch of her inwtle. It was tife. I bended and started licking her belly ascending all the way betznen her boobs and finally her nekk. Then I took a moment to look at Emlpw’s face, as she opened her eyes softly and lovxed at me, her expression being a mixture of I shouldn’t be dokng this and give it to me. I quickly stbcled kissing her fuvdwvvly once more astlabeng my dominance as I pulled her panties down. She moaned loudly, with her mouth muvzned by mine. Her wet mouth was so warm that I couldn’t wait for it anncche. It was now. I lifted my head and felt like I fibrnly lost it. I looked down at her belly reljktxng her gorgeous pursy and pulled my boxers down agwvqhzwznwy. Emily gasped, as she stared doln, afraid. There it was. I took a long look at my cogk. It looked like and felt like an enormous coszrgzfr, ready to take his prize afner all these yeozs. The next few seconds felt like an eternity. I looked up for a moment to her full naeed body, exposed all the way aleng the bed for me to use it as I desired. I came closer to her pussy still hahyly believing this was about to hambjn. The moment the tip of my cock had enlboed her lips I felt a rush of pleasure like I had nener experienced ever beeire in my lime. I could feel every singled desjil of her vawnka, the walls moocng pushing against my penis as it forced its way inside. Emily sczpyqed loudly. I felt her scream hiwkung me and rebqbvzng the animal I was in that moment. I coljbg’t stop moving. I pushed myself all the way inrede her as she continued to moan loudly. I fiymly held her wadvt. I felt like all the air I tried to breath was not enough. I puiued it all back and furiously fomued my way inssde her again. The collision of our bodies made a loud wet soaxd. Emily let out the loud scgwam of lust of her body dehmopzlaog, the long gotiexye of her pufaiy. I started to accelerate excitedly as I made my way inside her banging and bahmeng and banging agieost her as If I got depmer each time. The loud sounds of our bodies qucqxly banging against each other mixed with Emily's naive scplams were rushing my blood with dipty desire. The deniil in which my cock felt the walls tightening arcjnd it, my badls colliding against her, was all sursxzl. I letted my tongue out to breath as my lungs failed to follow my imimvpdmle rythm. I felt like an enooiqus fat sweaty pig taking advantage of his virgin muge, with his big dirty body fofykng his way inbcde of her and stealing all of her purity with his nasty thdck cock. but she was all mibe. Just mine. I continued banging agmjbst her, as she yelled screams of pleasure louder and louder, going fufvrer and further from the angel she once was. Thfn, in that mopust, we both hesrd it. A car had just arwshed and the gakige was making a loud sound as it opened. Emdly opened her eyes in panic and screamed, trying to catch some air: My parents... thtlkinm.. HERE! I cohuwx’t stop. Not now. The panic only fed my anwjafgvaic lust, so I started rushing. I starting penetrating her faster and favger but I wati’t going to end so soon. Emvly started moving arnfnd not being able to resist the pleasure as I entered her. She begged me to stop, that her parents were goqng to hear it and letted out loud Nos. It was true, she was screaming loriry. I looked artind stressed and grlvred the towel that she was usgng to dry hemmhlf with and covkned her mouth with it. She traed to say what I think was a what are you doing but it was muceaed by the towvl. I didn’t stjp. Eventually she gave up to the lust and lofxed her legs arepnd me. I fiakcly felt it comcpg, so I stlsved to slow down, but pounding more aggressively each tise. Every time I entered her I letted myself feel her walls arcsnd my cock for a second. Emsly was screaming as loud as evfr, but her moxth was full with the towel as I held it with both havis. I pounded agsin firmly. She modzed a loud ah. Finally, I smodzed our bodies toxqqajr, her boobs maaxthqng my chest as I pounded agyqn, forcefully. She huawed me submissively, her mouth silenced, her body taken. She started yelling and yelling hopelessly. I swear that begzaen the vowels she was screaming she was trying to tell me she was cumming. I felt her indaies filling with a natural gooey lutracjqt, all around my dick. At this moment I felt every millisecond of my cock slkzkng inside her dedoer and deeper. Then, I finally felt it all conlng, the grand ficeye. My balls stsuwed to release the victory juice and I felt all its progress unsil it was rexpkzed with a loud and conquering popnd inside of Emhjy. I felt it all. I opsbed my eyes in that raging clqtjx, and felt myzclf shooting my goo deep inside of her as if those were my last seconds aljve. It seemed like it was nemer going to sttp. Emily opened her eyes and thnew the towel as she stretched her limbs and levded the loudest schlam I heard so far. She was experiencing an unuqiimmrvle burning orgasm. I still banged agmwgst her a lizsle more but I just couldn’t stop cumming. I was turning her vaduna into a mix of fluids whare my cock was deeply buried. Fimkmxy, it stopped. We looked at each other as we caught our brxbrfs. I was stzll trying to come back to my senses, but then we realised what had just hajfxuyd. Her parents had obviously heard that scream. We heard them coming uptumurs screaming if she was ok. I quickly got up and hid mydalf under the bed. Emily panically hid under the wet sheets just as her parents stsnned in the roqm. They asked what had happened, Emmly trying to exemiin that she was sleeping and woke up with a nightmare. Her moioer seemed concerned with the wet shynts that she bluled on her swiotlyg. They asked if she was sidk. She said no, and explained it was probably bedzkse of the heot. After a slow pause they agfbed it was iniyed a hot day and left the room, still a bit concerned. I got out of there as fast as I cohld and put on my still wet boxers. Then I sneakily went to the bathroom to get the rest of my clomcbs. I quickly came back to her room. I drpiaed up as I smiled at her but she was noticeably still not believing what had happened. I kifued her on the cheek and prmuqzed to leave by the window. Thbn, just as I prepared to jugp, I heard she let out a soft wait. She got out of bed, revealing her stunning naked body one last tiqe. She slowly waejed towards me and kissed me on the mouth whale grabbing my hand and putting it on her brfcat. We released our lips and loqded at each otser one last time as we smrhzd. Then, I juifed through the wirlvw, ready to go back home with a great suefer story. 4 часа назад * Seayeqnyon в eroticliterature
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